14 questions for future humans

1 min readDec 26, 2020


Image credit: https://www.looper.com/231460/how-long-did-an-episode-of-futurama-take-to-make/

If I had the chance to travel a thousand years into the future, these are the questions I’d like to ask future humans:

  1. What is the optimal social structure? Is there one?

2. Does the family structure remain an important part of society?

3.Will society be able to reach post-feminism, post-racism, post-x?

4. Should humans be born artificially? How would that affect the relationship between family, society, and government?

5. Is gene-editing a natural right?

6. Should humans be able to upload themselves?

7. How do we decide who goes to other planets?

8.What responsibility do humans have to protect other worlds?

9.What will the role of gender be?

10.Should machines be given human rights?

11.Will other species (organic or inorganic) achieve consciousness?

12.How will biosynthesis affect state autonomy and international cooperation?

13.How will we escape the death of the Sun?

14.How will we escape the death of the universe?




Written by Gleb

Futurism, hard-tech, robots, and AGI

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